
The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Your Marketing Efforts

Marketing, particularly in the digital space, is time-consuming and constantly changing. Especially for smaller businesses, it can seem like the best option is to outsource your digital marketing. But what are the pros and cons?


It Saves You Money

Taking the time to learn or even participating in courses on how to do your own in-house digital marketing costs time and money. If you hire someone full-time, you need to have enough work to really justify the cost. Outsourcing your marketing to an expert agency will ensure that you get the content you need at a lower price.

It’s Way Less Of A Risk

Chances are your marketing strategies will be hit or miss most of the time if you’re trying things out on your own. Outsourcing to an expert marketing company removes that threat.

It Lets You See Results

When asking someone like KP Kreative to manage your digital advertising, search engine optimization, and social media, you know you’ll see results. If not, you have an agency to hold accountable, it’s not just all up in the air.

It Puts You At The Forefront Of Marketing Strategies

The digital marketing landscape changes so regularly, that only those working in the industry and staying updated can really keep up. The advantage of outsourcing your marketing is that it won’t fall behind.


Less Personalized

No one knows your brand like you do, and sometimes, in-house marketing copy might get just the right amount of input from you to become as personalized as you would like.

Less Control

An in-house marketing team can control every marketing campaign and ensure that they are consistent with the brand. Outsourcing to different agencies can sometimes cause a disconnect.

Less Focus

An in-house marketing team will focus solely on your product, whereas a marketing service will have multiple clients, and may offer you a more generic marketing campaign to save them time and effort.

So, what do you think makes the most sense for your marketing needs? If you opt to outsource your marketing, it’s important to pick an agency that will ensure all the pros outweigh any potential cons. With KP Kreative, the latter doesn’t apply!

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Kimberly Portuondo
January 11, 2022
min read
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