
How to come up with Hashtags for Your Business

With the newest feature to follow Hashtags on Instagram, it is more important than ever to use the best Hashtags for your business. Whether it's a call to action, branded term, phrase, hashtags improve social media engagement.

When you create a hashtag, you provide users a different way to discover your profile. If they don’t already follow you, they can find you based on hashtags that they search or follow.

How to come up with hashtags

Keep it short and original

One of the first primary rules to hashtags is the shorter the better. The hashtag should contain few words or a short phrase, but not enough words to make up a complete sentence. This makes it easier to remember and easier for users to type if they are using your hashtag.

Research Your Audience

Tossing random hashtags at the end of your Instagram/Twitter posts isn't going to grow your audience. Instead, find out what hashtags your audience is using and see which ones fit the content that you're publishing. Your hashtags should be relevant and contain keywords that users are searching for.

Product/Service Specific Hashtags

One of the best hashtags you can come up for your business is one that is related to your products/services. If you are launching a product, hosting an event or anything important that you want to tell people about. Then create a unique hashtag for each of those initiatives. Use it as much as you can and consider promoting your Tweets/Instagram posts during the launch to build awareness.

Once you have decided on your hashtag, you are not done. Use the hashtag on your social posts, include it in your social media bios, and include it with your promotional materials. Make sure you follow your hashtag to see precisely what people are expressing about your business. This will let you know specifically what fans are interested in discussing online, and you can form your social posts around it.

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
July 17, 2018
min read

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