
Tips to prepare for summer marketing

Summer is closer than you think. Before long, schools will be closed, and work will be a ghost town. That could mean a challenging slump or booming sales depending on the type of business you run. Whichever of those you fall into; summer still offers a one of a kind chance to approach your advertising with a new imagination. Here are few ideas for your summer marketing:

Keep children in mind

The summer holidays can be a tiring time for parents, so they'll be enthusiastically looking for activities to keep the kids engaged. If you are a brick-and-mortar business, you could hire kid-friendly entertainment to attract more visitors. If you have enough space, you could even host a beach-themed event. Figure out what makes the most sense based on your products and services, but focus on ways to keep the little ones occupied.

Team up with different organizations

A lot of organizations encounter a plunge in foot traffic right before summer, so why not team up during the slow season? You could either run a joint social media campaign to focus on summertime offers or set up product stands in each other's offices.

Run flash discounts

Discounts are tested method of incentivizing people to purchase your products or services. Post summer-themed content on social media and let people know that you are offering a flash sale and to get it while it’s HOT.

Give out freebies

You can use the power of freebies to keep your brand top-of-mind throughout the summer. Invite foot-traffic in by offering free-samples or a cold drink. Give them a small handout about your products and services when giving them the free sample. You can also pass out free sunscreen, using that brief interaction to tell them about your business.

Keep your freebies themed around summer — what do people crave at this time of year that can be used to draw them in? It's essential to have clear goals when you're giving things away. Consider who you're targeting and what you'd like them to do in return for their freebie — don't approach anyone and everyone. If it's not possible or appropriate to focus on in-person giveaways, think of something you can give away digitally to collect more emails for your mailing list.

Sidewalk Sales

Summer is the season when people get outside more often. Whether tourists in a new town or a local business owner, people will be walking and passing by your store. Be sure to tempt them with your sidewalk sales. If you are focusing on a specific neighborhood, try offering a sidewalk sale toward the end of the week. If you are in a larger touristy area, then anytime should work well for you to show off your products outside your store.

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Kimberly Portuondo
April 30, 2019
min read
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