
4 Spring Break Marketing Ideas to Try

As the blossoming flowers start to surface, companies nationwide are scrambling to compete for the attention of consumers. If you want to stand out in the colorful marketing landscape, it’s time to think a little differently. And so, without further ado, here are our four favorite marketing ideas for spring break.

Inject Your Ads With Vibrancy.

Spring is the universal season of new beginnings. Inspire your customers with the energy and enthusiasm they’re craving after a long and icy winter. Make sure your message is bursting with vibrant colors and a positive theme reminiscent of renewal and revival, and you’ll skyrocket your sales without a doubt.

Run Marketing Contests.

Everybody loves to win – and what’s better than winning a prize? Winning a prize when the weather is heating up. Give people even more reason to get excited this spring with marketing contests that make people keen to get involved and spread the word about your brand.

Cleanup Your Community.

People love brands that are human. Earth Day is coming up on the 22nd of April – why not create a new marketing campaign centered around a tree planting get-together or local road cleanup? You can get the community involved and excited to make a difference while proving that your brand truly cares about creating a brighter world for the unborn generations of tomorrow.

Say Thank You.

Loyal customers are those who feel valued. So consider sending out thank you cards via email, social media and – if you want to impress – physical old-school snail-mail. There’s something about receiving and holding a tangible card in your hands. It’s memorable, it’s unique, and that’s precisely what you want. And remember – in a world where benevolence is fading, kindness always wins.

We hope these helped, and we wish you all the best with implementing these spring marketing ideas for 2022. Got any of your own you’d like to share with our community? Don’t keep them to yourself! Drop us a comment with your thoughts. Let’s help each other thrive through clever marketing tactics and make 2022 the best year for business yet.

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Kimberly Portuondo
March 8, 2022
min read
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