
How to Spring Clean Your Marketing Campaigns

With so many campaigns running throughout the year, it’s not uncommon for everything to start to intertwine and make your overall goal a bit hazy. The secret to good digital marketing campaigns is launching with measurable goals in mind so you can stay focused – but how can you bounce back from the information overload?

We’re going to give you some useful tips on how to spring clean your campaigns. This is the equivalent of throwing out everything you have in your marketing closet and sorting out what’s worth keeping or revising.

Back to the Magic of Metrics

Let’s face it – your digital marketing strategy needs to evolve as your business grows. So, the first thing you want to do is establish your goals in detail. Start by throwing out any goals that aren’t going to make a difference in business growth, and replace them with concrete, measurable goals and timelines. It’s crucial you focus on goals that are tied to metrics so you can gauge your success and adjust your goals/campaigns as you continue to grow.

Categorize Your Platforms

Next, you’ll need to figure out how you’re going to achieve the goals you just set (or refreshed)! Whether it’s email, content, SEO, social media, etc., make sure you have a list of all the strategies you can use to freshen up your campaigns.

Platform VS. Goal

Once you’ve established your goal and the platforms you’re going to use, bring them together and establish which strategy matches best with which goal. This way, you can weed out any redundancies.

Get Started ASAP

Once you’ve organized everything into goal-oriented categories, get to work on the strategy that’s most likely to succeed and work your way down until you’ve reached your goals.

Don’t forget, just like spring cleaning, this should be something you do regularly. Got any better marketing campaign spring cleaning ideas? Be sure to share them with us. Otherwise, see what you can do with these four. Need more guidance? Click here to connect with one of our marketing experts!

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
April 13, 2021
min read
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