
How to Use the Seasons toward Your Marketing Strategy

Fall has arrived and we all know when the seasons begin to change and the holidays roll around, it’s a bit difficult to stay on top of everything involved with your business. That’s why it’s important to plan and schedule in advance!


Fall is the perfect opportunity to reset and shift your focus. It’s a time for change and you should be doing the same with your business! Fresh, new ideas can be exciting for the new seasons ahead and can even boost your business if done the right way! We encourage you to jump on board with this mindset and use it toward your marketing strategy. Try building in the new seasons and holidays into your marketing calendar and make it a point to stay relevant! We’ve listed out a few ways to make this possible:

1. Plan Ahead.

We all know this, but sometimes never make the time for it. Create content for the future so that way when the time comes the task is already taken care of. For example, it is currently Fall, have you thought about creating content for the upcoming holidays such as Thanksgiving or Christmas? Have a plan, set a date, and get it done! By knocking out future holidays now it’ll be easy to tackle on projects when the holiday arrives.

2. Host Giveaways.


Host a giveaway surrounding the holiday you are celebrating. Giveaways are a great way to gain traffic on your social media pages and website! You’ll get more user engagement through it and have more opportunities to get to know your customers better.

3. Housekeeping.

It’s important to take a look at your business sometimes and see if any housekeeping needs to be done. Take a look at what is working and what isn’t. Rebrand a little and truly understand what it is your audience likes seeing from you. Moving forward, this will be a great transition into the new year as you start with a fresh perspective and take on new goals for your business!

These tips are meant to prepare you for the new seasons ahead and will encourage you to take a new look at your tasks and future opportunities.

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October 16, 2018
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