
Why You Need a Website, Even If It's Just One Page

Unless you're a business owner who is NOT interested in growing your brand, you NEED to have a website, even if it’s just one page! And, no having a Facebook business page does not count!

These days, building a business website or e-commerce store is easier than ever! You can control the budget for your site’s production and you can design your website without knowing how to code.

Despite popular belief, having a business website isn't just about selling your goods and services — it’s about constantly providing something of value to existing and potential customers.

With so many fairly priced web design options, there’s really no excuse to keep putting it off. Here are the top eight reasons every business needs a website:

1. Your Customers Expect It

Even if this were the only reason on the list, it would be enough! Most consumers these days tend to expect brands tо provide online content about their business in a unique space, apart from social media. More than half of all digital consumers head straight to a company's website for product information.

If you don't have a professional website, today's tech-savvy (and impatient) customers will look elsewhere.

2. It Provides Social Рroof

Over 90% оf online consumers claim that online reviews heavily influence their buying decisions. Sure, you could rely on Google, Yelp, and similar review sites to host reviews for your brand, but wouldn’t it be better to provide that information yourself so you have control over what’s seen and have access to data about who is seeing it?!

Since potential buyers are already looking you up online, including customer testimonials on your site is a great way to impress.

3. You Control Your Narrative

It's true that you cannot control what others say about you on social media channels, but you can steer public perception in your favor by displaying your narrative on your business' website.

A weekly blog helps business owners get their message, mission statement and personality in front of their target audience more effectively than any other type of ads ever could.

Plus, linking to your social networking platforms makes sharing and spreading your content easy for any reader.

4. You Get More Bang For Your Buck

When you use affordable website-building tools, like WordPress or SquareSpace, you position your company to reach thousands more potential customers for less than the cost of a sign spinner's salary.

5. Your Competitors Likely Have Websites

Consumers typically start their buying journey with research and recommendations from peers and social network connections.

According to a recent report, once a consumer has an idea of what they want or need, they begin researching. Around 72% оf consumers say positive reviews/testimonials make them trust a business more.

So if you're not keeping up with your competition, you're giving shoppers another reason to buy from a different brand.

6. It Allows For 24/7 Service

Nobody wants to work at 3AM but some customers do like to shop at crazy hours. Having a business website or e-commerce store means that you can continue to sell your products/services at all times — not simply between 9 and 5.

Having an online store can lead to a dramatic boost in sales, especially when you consider all the additional customers who aren’t restricted by geography. Your online presence also helps support your marketing campaign, customer service, brand recognition and basically every other element of the revenue stream.

Additionally, combining your website with marketing tools, such as email marketing, helps you consistently reach nеw customers and generate repeat business.

7. It Increases Your Reach

Consider this: 70% of consumers consult online searches before making purchases. Thаt means they’re going to Google and typing in one or more keywords, like “best leather shoes” or “brown ankle booties.”

If you don't have a website for your business, the chances of your brand showing up on the search engine results page (SERP) are nonexistent. If you do have a website, you can optimize it for search engines (SEO), thereby increasing your chances of appearing at the top of Google’s results. This of course leads to increased visibility and more customers.

8. Showcase Your Products and Services

This may seem obvious, but it’s worth stating: not only can you display your products with beautiful images or outline the specifics of your services, but you can also provide video tutorials or downloadable PDF's to give hesitant customers an extra reason to buy from your business.

So, waste no more time NOT reaching your customers and contact us to get your website ASAP!

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
June 12, 2018
min read
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