
Why Mobile First Indexing Matters

Google continues to update its search algorithms to keep up with user expectations. Almost a year ago, Google announced a new Mobile First index which changed search results to focus on the mobile version of your site content first and index it according to that.

Previously, Google indexed sites using the desktop version. Because of the increase in mobile searches, Google has put mobile as top priority and desktop as a second priority. With the Mobile-First indexing method, Google will factor mobile functionality into what is displayed in search results. Mobile First Indexing is here to stay and it’s important for you to optimize your website accordingly. Here’s what you need to know:

Focus on making your mobile site user-friendly

The first thing you need to do is figure out whether your website passes the mobile-friendly test or not. You can find different tools online, but I would recommend using Google’s tool, Test My Site. It is a free tool that provides a detailed report of the areas where your website needs to improve. Anyone can use this tool even if they don't have a technical background.

Next thing you need is a responsive site. A responsive website can have the same content on both mobile and desktop. It adapts to suite the screen size of the device being used to view the content. The main benefit here is that you don’t need to maintain two different sets of content.

There are many tools that help even those with no technical background to make mobile-friendly websites. But if you still have trouble keeping up with all the technical things, our experienced professionals will be happy to help you in any way you need whether it's designing a responsive website or creating a progressive marketing strategy for your business.

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Kevin Portuondo
February 26, 2019
min read
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