
What is Digital Marketing Automation?

In just a few days, we’ll be joining millions of Americans in celebrating Labor Day. Labor Day is a tribute to the contributions workers have made to the development and achievements of the United States...but what does that have to do with digital marketing?

Marketing automation technology reflects the exact sentiment of Labor Day. It enables maintenance and completion of laborious (but essential) tasks. It also allows you to relax and take a step back while keeping your communications consistent across the board. Here’s what you need to know.

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is technology that manages multifunctional campaigns and marketing processes automatically across multiple channels. It is used to maximize efficiency and increase revenue through automated digital marketing campaigns and sales activities.

As a marketing professional, you know how repetitive tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and even ad campaigns can be. Marketing automation technology automates those activities and makes them that much easier.

Keep Things Running While Kicking Back

With marketing automation tools on your side, you can enjoy your Labor Day celebrations and take much-needed time to relax and recharge. Here’s how automation helps that happen.

  • Automation for relationship building: Just because you’re offline doesn’t mean you can’t initiate engagements. Automation and the right strategic measures can support communication throughout your customer’s journey. You can initiate different marketing campaigns based on interest level or engagement and keep communications running.
  • Automation to support initiatives: Marketing automation tools help optimize components including collateral, emails, lists, and landing pages with forms all into a streamlined program that can be scheduled in advance. So even while you’re on vacation, you can drive sales!
  • Automation for follow up: While you don’t want to automate every message between your business and customers, automating email messages is helpful in many instances including event management or sign-ups.

Automation helps you develop and monitor campaigns while continuing to maintain relationships and interactions. These tools are invaluable for any busy marketing team, and we are here to help you implement them. To learn more about how we can help optimize your marketing efforts, click here to connect with one of our experts!

Post author
Madison Flashenburg
August 31, 2021
min read

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