
Visual Marketing Tips

People are very visual, and so is online interaction. Your social media profiles and your website should make use of consistent, high-quality images that effectively showcase your products or services. This will help guarantee that your audience is engaging with and absorbing your content. Here are some tips to improve your visual marketing elements.

Be Thoughtful With Your Image Selection

Don't just toss anything up for the sake of having a visual, make sure it’s excellent quality and related to your content. Quality visual elements improve engagement and stop consumers from scrolling right past your content. They also help make your business look more legitimate and professional.

Make Your Visual Elements Unforgettable

When people see an image, their brain immediately makes connections to information that is already stored in their memories. This helps them to remember your content!

Focus on Relatable Imagery

When people connect with your content on an emotional level, they start to form a bond with your brand. People are attracted to things they can relate to and much more likely to respond to imagery that has people like them featured.

In the many services that we provide, we focus on using custom, quality imagery, as much as possible. Every now and then, we have to provide high-quality stock images. So, it's vital to have access to a library of stock photos. We use Canva's photo library, Unsplash, and Pexels

If your social media hasn't been getting the type of engagement you are hoping for, try adding images to improve your results! It may take time to see engagement go up, so be patient and consistent.

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Kimberly Portuondo
August 6, 2019
min read
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