
Tips to Work from Home

We are seeing a change in many businesses during this time as more and more companies are choosing to have their entire team work remotely. If you aren’t used to working from home, it can be a new reality that’s hard to face. Every employee is facing different circumstances at home, so we are here to provide some tips to help you stay motivated and productive during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Stay Motivated with a Task List

One of the best ways to start off your week is by making a task list the night before. Set goals and tasks that you need to accomplish day-by-day and measurable outcomes to get those tasks done in a timely manner. Prioritize important tasks earlier in the week and group them with simpler ones. Your list should be made up of bigger and smaller items throughout the day to make it feel more doable and less like a giant mess.

Set up an at-home Workspace

It is easy to sit on your couch and try and get some work done, but if you are really trying to maximize your time then we suggest creating an at-home workspace. Working remotely means you may need more discipline and if you decide to work anywhere, it may take you longer to accomplish your tasks. By creating a designated work area, you are freeing yourself from distractions and boosting your productivity.

Share your Schedule with your Team

When working from home, it’s easy to feel a little lonely and less motivated(especially at a time like this). When you start to feel this way, remember it’s important to stay in contact with your team. You’re used to seeing them every single day and you all know what it takes to get each project completed. Create a shared Google Calendar, set up weekly meetings via video chat to help communication, and keep an email chain open for questions and concerns. This will allow your employees to stay in contact with each other and understand the team’s schedule.

We at KP Kreative are here to help our clients and community in any way we can. With these tips, we hope you can maintain productivity and collaboration with your employees. Feel free to share your #WFH (Work From Home) selfies with us on Instagram by tagging our page in your story! And be sure to follow along with us for more remote work tips.

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March 17, 2020
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