
Tips to Market to an Older Audience

Older consumers are frequently excluded from digital marketing strategies due to outdated thinking that they are not regular technology users. If you are trying to market to an older audience, you may be thinking that it’s as simple as clear instructions and large fonts. Like anything, marketing to an older audience takes a specific strategy, so here are our tips to help you reach a senior demographic:

1. Lead with Benefits

This advice is applicable to any audience, but particularly important for a senior audience. Speak to how your products/services are uniquely designed to benefit an older audience. Really hone in on the “why” for all of your marketing content. Explain why they should purchase from you specifically.

2. Personalize the Experience

You should absolutely focus on making the experience as simple and straightforward as possible for your older audience. Additionally, wherever you can create a personalized experience, you should. When you can speak specifically to your audience’s needs, they are more likely to convert. When you can speak specifically to each person within your audience, they will be more inspired to do business with you.

3. Use Relatable Language

In addition to a simple user experience, you will want to use language that is easy for an older audience to understand. Avoid jargon altogether, and make sure that you are providing very clear instructions for your audience.

4. Focus on Multi-Channel Marketing

According to a study in 2015, only 42% of 65 plus adults owned smartphones. This number has been steadily growing since 2013. Although we are seeing an increase in technology use among seniors, it is still less than half of the audience. That makes it important to focus marketing outside of just digital channels. You can use print ads, mailers, in-store ads, etc.

Those are just 4 things (of many) you can focus on when trying to reach an older audience. If you would like personalized help with your marketing strategy, contact us for a consultation.

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Kimberly Portuondo
August 11, 2020
min read
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