
Time To Rebrand?


A client of ours is rebranding an existing restaurant location into something completely different. Because a rebrand is more than just switching names, it can seem overwhelming. While your business goals might remain the same, how you’re accomplishing those goals is rebranded along with your company. For this rebrand, it is a complete 180 from what the current restaurant is to what it is going to become. They’ve installed new decor, an exciting new menu has been created, training has taken place, and updated employee uniforms have been ordered. So that’s it, right? WRONG!

If you’re ready to rebrand here are our recommended 3 steps:

  1. Make a plan
  2. Update your social media
  3. Focus on more than the name change

1. Plan Early. Like, now.

You’ve got a ton on your plate when it comes to rebranding.Whether you’re filing trademark claims or getting new artwork designed, it’s likely you are working with other companies to get things done. But it is important to have a time frame and a checklist in place besides simply updating your name everywhere. A good place to start is creating a document that you can copy and paste from when it’s time to go live with the rebrand. All of your relevant content will be easily accessible in one place, making the craziness of your grand re-opening just a bit easier.

2. Get Social

Because you are juggling so many things at once, updating social media accounts might seem like an afterthought. Here’s where to start:


Update your new Twitter handle as soon as your new company name has been selected. If it’s already taken, you might need to brush up on your negotiation skills (sidebar: it’s against Twitter’s terms of service to pay for a handle). If they’re just sitting on the handle and aren’t an active user, you can contact Twitter’s customer support for a violation of their inactive account policy.

The Twitter switchover should be relatively easy. Here’s how:


If you happen to be verified, you will lose your account verification when you switch your name. An email to support should get your verified status back, especially if you let them know ahead of time.


Facebook is a bit trickier, particularly if you have more than 200 followers or if your brand name is three characters or less. If that’s the case, Facebook will be making the changes for you.

If you have more than 200 followers, you can apply for a name change for your Facebook Page. It’s a relatively simple process, but it can take up to several days or even weeks (yikes!) for processing to be completed on their end. We weren’t kidding when we said to plan ahead!

Making the change is easy enough. Go to “About” in the navigation panel on your main page, then under “General” you will click “Edit” and type in the new name for your business. Once approved, you will keep all of your followers intact.


Note: You can only change your Facebook page’s vanity name once, so you may want to wait until the name change is approved to make that move.

Google My Business

Updating your Google My Business page will be similar to Facebook in terms of the actual content. You’ll want to remember not just username, but also hours, information, updated pictures, phone number, address (if applicable) a general post about your new business, and website link updates.


Instagram is definitely your friend when it comes to making changes (as long as your brand’s name is not already taken). Just edit your profile and make the necessary name and bio changes. Note: If your brand name happens to be taken, you can contact Instagram and file a trademark claim.

3. More Than A Name Change

A rebrand is more than updating your usernames on social media. You need to be sure that your social media posts are in line with the goals of the rebrand, that you let the community that could benefit from your new business know, and much more. You also need to make sure you are prepared to provide timely responses to those reaching out to you with questions.

Start with the main message your business is trying to share or goal it is accomplishing, then work down to the details and share with those involved in your rebrand efforts.

These rebrand goals might include:

  • Making sure all accounts are switched over to the new name
  • Keeping your followers educated and happy during the rebrand
  • Answering questions as quickly as you can about the rebrand
  • Ensuring your team can provide coverage for the launch

With proper planning, stellar content, and quick responses, your rebrand will be off to a great start. Once executed, focus your energy on promoting your new image, communicating with your customers and taking advantage of paid ads. Good luck!

Post author
Madison Flashenburg
September 4, 2018
min read
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Time To Rebrand?

Time To Rebrand?

A client of ours is rebranding an existing restaurant location into something completely different. Because a rebrand is more than just switching names, it can seem overwhelming. While your business goals might remain the same, how you’re accomplishing those goals is rebranded along with your company. For this rebrand, it is a complete 180 from what the current restaurant is to what it is going to become. They’ve installed new decor, an exciting new menu has been created, training has taken place, and updated employee uniforms have been ordered. So that’s it, right? WRONG!

Madison Flashenburg
September 4, 2018