
The Importance of Identifying Your Target Audience

Marketing for your business often includes identifying which products/services you are going to promote and additionally who you want to promote your business to. In marketing, we call this your target audience or your target market. This usually refers to identifying special features that your target audience may have. This can be anything like the language they speak, their education level, their age (whether kids, adults, or the elderly), their shopping habits etc. It is important to take the time to narrow down these features since they can help you to better connect your marketing efforts with your audience. Here are my tips to help you identify your target audience.

Identify target audience personas

Personas are fictional characters designed to reflect the various types of customers in a target audience, which can be used to explain the attitude and behavioral tendencies of a person who you would like to have as a customer.

Find Out Where They Spend Time Online

Once you have established your target audience personas you should have a very solid idea of who they are and how they behave, including where they spend their time online.

Take Advantage of Focus Groups & Online Surveys

The most straightforward way to get to know your target audience is to directly ask them the questions you want answers to.

Don’t Forget About User Testing

Once you have reached this phase of target audience discovery, you can start some user testing. Create content that is in-line with your strategy and do A/B testing to see what is the most effective.

While having a target audience is important, it is only useful if you can get really specific about who your audience is and how best to reach them. For more guidance on getting to know your target audience, contact us.

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
May 26, 2020
min read

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