
The Importance of Gratitude

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” Steve Jobs, Founder and former CEO of Apple. That quote has inspired the KP Kreative approach to marketing for years.

Every good company wants to deliver excellent customer service, but balancing this with other business goals is not always easy. Sometimes, the simplest way to connect with your audience is to show them gratitude for being your audience in the first place!

Thank you to all our clients for their patience.

We work tirelessly for you day in and day out to give service that meets all your needs. This involves a lot of meetings and discussion so that we can really get to know your business inside and out. So, thank you for taking the time to be a part of our process to help you achieve the best results.

Thank you to the entire KP Kreative team

Effective marketing takes a village, and I couldn’t imagine working with a better one. Our virtual teams of professionals all bring a unique perspective to the table and a level of expertise that I couldn’t live without. Thank you all so much for what you do for me and for all of our clients.

Thank YOU for the chance you’re giving me to build a lasting relationship with you

Marketing is a passion for all of us and your continued engagement helps to make that possible. I am truly lucky that you appreciate this as much as the KP Kreative team does.

Because of your everlasting support and trust in us, we like to show our gratitude and thank you by providing all our loyal clients with our FREE email marketing guide! This marketing guide will walk you through all our favorite email marketing tools. It will tell you how to set up campaigns and how to attract subscribers. Enjoy!

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
November 12, 2019
min read
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