
The Importance of Content Marketing Variety

By now, most businesses are aware of how important blogging is for SEO. An insightful blog that generates leads, drives traffic, and helps convert sales is an important part of any content marketing strategy. But in 2021, that can’t be the only thing your business is doing. Here’s why content variety is so important for your strategy.

Beyond the Blog

Written articles are great. When done right, they are informational, engaging, and easy to consume. But with the ever-expanding number of social channels out there, it’s important to have variety as part of your business’s long-term content marketing strategy.

Every platform — from your blog to your Instagram account to your email list — has a unique way of reaching customers and clients. But the content you produce needs to be just as thought out as the messages you are aiming to convey. Not only is it important to understand the types of content you can create, but it’s also important to understand why you need to diversify that content to begin with.

Why Content Variety is Key

Sometimes you need to move beyond the blog. And that’s really because your customers don’t always need to see a blog post. Depending on where they are in your funnel, it’s possible that they need something more engaging for where they are at.

Blog posts are effective for awareness; they help people learn what you do, who/what your brand is, the problem your brand solves, and they help people remember all that information. Blog posts can be effective in other ways, but different stages of where your customer is at in brand understanding call for different content.

Once the customer has been introduced to your brand and is educated on what is available, it’s time to move past a free blog post. This is when you want to establish a relationship with your potential customer/client and get their information. For that, a piece of exclusive content or lead magnet would be more effective and enticing now that they already know who your brand is.

Once you understand how your content works on your customer’s journey, you can understand which content types are most effective. Then you just need to focus on creating quality content!

Because, as we know, the value that your content delivers is what’s important for generating customers.

Be sure to stay tuned for next month’s blog on the different types of content to use when you’re ready to move beyond the blog.

Have more questions on your marketing strategy? Click here to connect with one of our marketing experts!

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
March 2, 2021
min read

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