
The Importance of Business Community Involvement

Thanks to the internet, consumers are much more informed than ever about the products they are purchasing and the brands they are interacting with. This makes corporate responsibility and philanthropy extremely important because it helps to establish trust with your potential customers.

Being active in the community is also good for team building, employee retention, and building relationships within your community. Here are some of the reasons your business should focus on community involvement.

It Feels Good to Give Back to the Community

Your local community is supporting your business and you should return the favor. Your community's health has a direct effect on your business ' health, so get engaged, and everyone will benefit.

Business Partnerships

Always let present and prospective clients know about your community involvement. Publishing an event and tagging other businesses involved is a great way to spread awareness and get other members of the community to partner with you.

Create Connections Within Your Community

You will find other businesses, volunteers, and non-profits that are like-minded to you. These types of relationships will help to root your business in the community for a long time.

Spread Awareness For Causes That Matter

Take to your website, social media, and email lists to collect donations for causes that matter. For example, October is breast cancer and domestic violence awareness month. Get creative on social media to provide facts, prevention, and support to victims and their families or collect donations for The American Cancer Society.

It is totally acceptable to promote your business’s community involvement because it is all being done for a good cause. How will you get involved with your local community? Let me know in the comments.

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Kimberly Portuondo
October 29, 2019
min read
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