
Take the Stress out of Digital Marketing

Today is National Stress Awareness Day and let’s face it -- there’s a lot to be stressed about this year. The election, COVID-19, regular everyday stressors, and the list goes on. We may not be able to take away the pandemic, but we can help take the stress out of digital marketing. Here are our tips.

Create a Content Calendar

As we head into the last quarter of the year, it’s time to shift focus and set your goals for 2021. A marketing plan may seem daunting, but content calendars are a great way to stay organized y. Here’s where you can see everything that’s happening across your various social media accounts, blog, and email campaigns. A content calendar is essentially your business’s central hub to manage, cross-promote, and schedule unique content.

Improve Internal Processes

When you have a small business and internal marketing team, you can get by with minimal internal processes, but that doesn’t mean you should. Once you try to scale, your issues will grow right along with your company.

Start with your high-level infrastructure and break down your processes into smaller tasks (strategy and planning, writing, scheduling and publishing, etc.). Then break it down even further and go through every step of that process. For strategy, create a content calendar. For publishing and scheduling, look into tools like HootSuite and MailChimp to get all your content ready to be published in a centralized location.

Getting your processes in check will help you streamline your marketing so you can get more done with less hassle (and stress).

Establish Brand Guidelines

Part of improving your internal processes includes establishing brand guidelines. These guidelines determine how you should talk about your brand, how your brand’s voice sounds, and how all marketing materials should look. Take time to create a guideline so everyone on your team has something to refer back to. Even if it’s just you right now, this will help exponentially in keeping your brand consistent especially when new team members are brought on. Gone are the days of wasting time editing mismatched branding or communicating a disjointed message to your audience.

Contact us at KP Kreative

If this all sounds like too much, we have you covered! Whether you need help with web design, digital advertising, search engine optimization, or social media marketing, the experts at KP Kreative can help. To get started with a free consultation, just click here to contact us.

Post author
Madison Flashenburg
November 3, 2020
min read
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