
SEO Strategy

Using Google Search Console to Measure SEO Part 1

Kimberly Portuondo
January 21, 2020

Any website owner who is serious about improving their digital platform's quality should understand the importance of collecting data with the ultimate goal of improving overall performance. That said, most website owners that we work with are still not using free tools like the Google Search Console to accurately measure Search Engine performance.

Find Success with SEO in 2020

Madison Flashenburg
January 7, 2020

2020 is officially here and it is the year for you to find success with SEO! We hope your site is getting the results you desire (especially with the help of our SEO resources). Even if you are satisfied with the results you’re getting, don’t get too comfortable.

5 Important On-Page SEO Factors

Kimberly Portuondo
December 19, 2019

Want to to learn more about on-page SEO factors? Check out this article from guest blogger Tyler Nalbach with SEO Align.

How Does Squarespace Perform for SEO?

Madison Flashenburg
July 23, 2019

The other day I met with a friend-of-a-friend who also happens to be a website designer/developer. Excited to make another friend in the field, we quickly got to talking about various platforms and tools we use. When he asked what platform we use at KP Kreative, I excitedly started to share all we are able to accomplish through Squarespace. And then, I kid you not, he scoffed out, “...but Squarespace sucks for SEO”. A bit more back and forth and I knew I had to do some digging for myself. Our websites all perform well for SEO, but is there something that we’re missing?

Why Mobile First Indexing Matters

Kevin Portuondo
February 26, 2019

Google continues to update its search algorithms to keep up with user expectations. Almost a year ago, Google announced a new Mobile First index which changed search results to focus on the mobile version of your site content first and index it according to that.

What SEO Means and How to Do It

Kimberly Portuondo
October 30, 2018

SEO, search engine optimization, is a procedure to get your website to show up on search engines, like Google, for specific keyword searches. A lot of business owners don’t quite know what SEO is and end up being taken advantage of by companies claiming to be expert SEO’s.

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