
Seasonal Marketing Strategy

Jumping on the Back to School Bandwagon

Kimberly Portuondo
August 13, 2019

Back to school usually means lots of sales and high online and in-store traffic for many businesses. This can make it hard for businesses to stand out. There are plenty of ways to attract an audience of students, teachers, and parents during the back to school season. Even if you don't sell school supplies or clothing, you can use these ideas to help make the most of one of the biggest retail seasons of the year.

How to Market Yourself this Fourth of July

Kimberly Portuondo
June 18, 2019

Independence Day is the holiday everyone looks forward to most in the summer! A day filled with BBQ, friends, family, and fireworks.! Use this upcoming holiday (and the excitement surrounding it) to promote your business this July!

Tips to Market to Fathers

Kimberly Portuondo
June 11, 2019

Father's Day is right around the corner, and you can take advantage of the holiday by focusing your June marketing efforts specifically toward dads. By creating your own Father's Day marketing content, you can better reach fathers and consumers who will be shopping for their fathers, fathers-in-law, etc. Here’s our Father’s Day Marketing advice:

Tips to prepare for summer marketing

Kimberly Portuondo
April 30, 2019

Summer is closer than you think. Before long, schools will be closed, and work will be a ghost town. That could mean a challenging slump or booming sales depending on the type of business you run. Whichever of those you fall into; summer still offers a one of a kind chance to approach your advertising with a new imagination. Here are few ideas for your summer marketing:

Tips to Kick Start Your Summer Marketing

April 16, 2019

With summer approaching, now is the perfect time to focus on new business opportunities. It’s important to incorporate the time of year into your content marketing in order to better connect with your customers! With the winter coming to a close, your customers are ready for the next few months of warm weather. Use this to your advantage when thinking of what to provide them and how to stand out from your competitors. Whether it is slow or busy for your business in the summer, here are some tips you can take advantage of these next few months.

How to Work April Fool's Into Your Marketing

Kimberly Portuondo
March 26, 2019

When it comes to creating content around trending events, April Fool's can be a great way for brands to have fun and improve online engagement. However, creating on-brand pranks that drive business can be challenging. Here are few of our favorite quirky and unusual April Fool’s marketing campaigns to inspire you:

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