
Digital Marketing

Spring Clean Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Kimberly Portuondo
April 11, 2023

Spring is here, and with it comes the perfect opportunity to do a little spring cleaning. But instead of tidying up your physical space, let's talk about tidying up and adjusting your digital marketing strategy. Using the right tools, you can refresh your approach to marketing—or even roll out a rebranding plan—and gain new customers as a result.

8 Data Measurement Tips to Maximize Your Content

Kimberly Portuondo
March 28, 2023

As a digital marketing agency, Page One Digital knows that measuring the performance of digital content can be overwhelming due to the many tools and many approaches available. Digital measurement—also known as data, analytics, insights, or KPIs—uses technology to assess how your digital content is performing. The question is, with so many options available, which metrics are worth paying attention to? Don’t worry! We’ve got some data measurement tips to help you measure digital content performance with confidence.

3 Marketing Campaign Case Studies from 2022

Kimberly Portuondo
February 21, 2023

With most of our time spent sharing advice, we rarely get the opportunity to showcase said advice in action. Today, I’m excited to share three of the marketing campaign case studies I’m most proud of from 2022. These examples demonstrate the importance of a robust SEO marketing strategy and building a website that meets the needs of your customers.

3 Effective Marketing Campaigns We Loved in 2022

Kimberly Portuondo
February 7, 2023

People see thousands of ads a day. It’s overwhelming, I know. Every last one of these ads is part of a greater marketing campaign, and every campaign is part of a goal to outshine competitors and win the war of rapidly evolving consumer trends. Most of the ads people see are quickly forgotten. It’s incredibly difficult to create a viral marketing campaign that sticks with consumers, let alone stands the test of time. Three of what I believe to be the best 2022 marketing campaigns had that rare ability to not just capture people’s attention, but to hold onto it.

Learn How to Set SMART Marketing Goals

Kimberly Portuondo
January 24, 2023

There’s a fine line between being optimistic and being overenthusiastic. If you want to achieve your marketing objectives this year, they need to be realistic. Remember that failing to plan is planning to fail, and studies show that marketers who set goals are far more likely to meet them. So, here’s how to set SMART marketing goals this year, and—better yet—achieve them all!

3 Benefits of Remarketing Every Business Should Know

Kimberly Portuondo
August 30, 2022

There are dozens of reasons why the marketing campaigns you put out in the summer didn’t convert into paying customers. Maybe they got distracted when visiting your website, or their finances didn’t allow it. Or maybe they meant to return to your page but forgot your name and couldn’t figure out how to find you again. Here are three reasons you shouldn’t give up hope, and try remarketing your business instead.

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