
Digital Marketing

Audience Targeting

Kimberly Portuondo
May 30, 2017

How much do you know about your target audience? Are you taking advantage of Facebook's targeting features?

Perfect Your Sales Pitch

Kimberly Portuondo
May 23, 2017

Perfecting your sales pitch in digital marketing refers to crafting a compelling message that resonates with your target audience and persuades them to purchase your product or service. It's a critical skill for any digital marketer, and it involves understanding your audience, their pain points, and how your product or service can solve their problems.

Are You Incentivizing Your Products?

Kimberly Portuondo
May 9, 2017

Small changes to your online checkout process can boost your sales.

These 5 eCommerce Mistakes are Destroying Your Conversions

Jenny Holt
May 2, 2017

Back in January Jenny Holt, Freelance Writer, wrote an awesome guest blog post for us on influencer marketing. She drafted up another amazing piece on eCommerce for you all. Enjoy:

Word of Mouth Marketing

Kimberly Portuondo
March 28, 2017

Getting online reviews is the digital version of word of mouth marketing. Are you taking advantage?

Try, Fail and Learn From It

Kimberly Portuondo
February 21, 2017

The best way to start marketing your business is simply to start! Worst that can happen is you fail which is simply a lesson about what not to do next time.

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