
Digital Marketing

Women - Making the KP Kreative World Turn

Kimberly Portuondo
March 9, 2021

Can you believe we’re already over twoMar months into 2021? The chaos of last year flew by in the blink of an eye. With time slipping through our fingers, I want to take a few minutes to express my gratitude and appreciation for the women propelling our team forward.

Should Your Marketing Plan be Fixed or Flexible?

Madison Flashenburg
January 5, 2021

When making a marketing plan for the new year, it helps to keep an open mind. A flexible marketing plan can help you respond to opportunities and problems, but it can also create chaos by a lack of brand management. Being too strict can prevent you from responding to an ever-changing market. Here’s what you need to know about fixed and flexible marketing plans.

How to Create an Effective Marketing Strategy

Kimberly Portuondo
December 29, 2020

There are undoubtedly a million things you need to think about for your business operations to run smoothly. Yet, the most important facet we tend to neglect is also focusing on how to reach new clientele! We’re so focused on making sales as efficient as possible, that we forget about the first step of business – getting new clients to notice you in the first place.

How to Update Your Google & Facebook Business Hours

Kimberly Portuondo
December 22, 2020

The festive season is a confusing time for both businesses and customers. Both ask themselves when the business will close, what the new operating hours will be, and how they should plan their days accordingly.

Marketing Tips for Startups

Kimberly Portuondo
December 8, 2020

Establishing a startup can be very scary, especially if you’ve never started a business before. That is why it is important to start marketing as soon as, if not before, you establish your business. Marketing is an extremely powerful way to get your brand out there, so make sure you do it properly to grow as a business and an entrepreneur.

Take the Stress out of Digital Marketing

Madison Flashenburg
November 3, 2020

Today is National Stress Awareness Day and let’s face it -- there’s a lot to be stressed about this year. The election, COVID-19, regular everyday stressors, and the list goes on. We may not be able to take away the pandemic, but we can help take the stress out of digital marketing. Here are our tips.

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