Does Your Marketing Message Reflect Your Purpose Statement?
One of the easy ways to build up that "know, like, and trust" factor that's so important for your digital marketing is to make sure your marketing message is relevant to your purpose statement. See what I mean in my latest video tip.
Lessons Learned from Harry Potter
We all know branding is important. Harry Potter World at Universal/Islands of Adventure is a great example of staying on brand no matter what.
Setting Your Business Goals
We all know how important goals are, but most of us don't take the time to set actionable goals. And I doubt most people are taking the time to set new goals once we've accomplish their old ones. I've recently found myself in a goal-less plateau and decided to share my thoughts about it with you all in my latest video.
PR 101
No matter how diligent you are as a business owner, there will still be times when people complain. It's important to address and embrace the complaints!
Why Transparency Is Key to Your Business's Success
Transparency in business is not a new concept, but some businesses have been slow to take advantage of it's benefits. Many companies have committed to being transparent. Doing so is clearly in the best interest of the company and their clients.
How Storytelling Can Work For Your Brand
Every company wants its brand to connect with its target audience. What better way to do this than to create a story where your brand is the hero?
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