
Spring Cleaning for Social Media

Spring Cleaning for Social Media

Just like our homes, our social media profiles can get cluttered (though it’s much harder to spot online). Instead of a mountain of laundry piling up, social media disorganization can easily go unnoticed. Just because it isn’t obvious doesn’t mean it’s not causing problems. An organized approach to your social media marketing gives you higher quality content and more control, leading to stronger connections. Here are our tips.

Re-Evaluate Your Goals for Social Media

Social media is a place where you can have fun with your customers. It also has a measurable impact on your bottom line. Your social media strategy should be in line with your business objectives. In order to find success with social media, you need to determine if your current strategy is working for you. We’ve just started the 2nd quarter 2019, so it’s a great time to consider if your goals have changed much during the past quarter.

If they have, you need to take steps to ensure your social media presence supports those new objectives. The platforms you are currently spending time on might not be the best suited for your current needs. A great way to determine if you’re in the right place is to conduct a social media audit.

Social Media Audits

Social media audits aren’t as daunting as they sound. In fact, here’s how to do one for Instagram.They give you an opportunity to reflect and grow (hint: just like spring cleaning!). The best way to start is by creating a list that includes all of your social media profiles, which will allow you to

  • Visualize social media presence
  • Consider if you are spread too thin across too many platforms
  • Stop using irrelevant platforms or inactive accounts
  • Ensure brand consistency across all accounts

As new apps and social networks appear (and disappear), businesses commonly create accounts to hold their name. These accounts sometimes go on to develop into viable social media presences, while others fall to the wayside. If you aren’t using some of the accounts your team has created, discuss if those accounts are worth keeping. Your time is valuable, and you want to be sure you are putting your energy into the right places.

Do Your Social Media Metrics Measure Up?

Not only is it important to choose the right social media platforms, you also have to consider the metrics you’re tracking. These metrics are indicators of whether your efforts on a particular platform are worth it.

Tracking the right analytical data will summarize performance, growth, engagement, and demographics.

If you aren’t sure if you should be using a particular platform, take a look at the metrics. Success means something different for each business plan, and depending on your goals, certain metrics will give you a clearer picture of where you’re at.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are the metrics we are reviewing in line with our objectives?
  • Are they the best metrics to be looking at?
  • Were we missing anything in last year’s reports?
  • What metrics can we include to add more value?

Social media metrics are an invaluable tool in gauging your overall online success. Kick off the spring season with strongest analytics plan you can.

Re-Organize Your Audience

Who you are reaching is just as important as where and how you’re reaching them. If you don’t have a target audience defined, now is the time to do it. Your target audience will guide your social strategy, and it is imperative to have this component in place.

You want to make sure that you are using the social platform(s) your target audience is active on. If your customers primarily use Instagram, and you’re spending hours on Twitter, then you aren’t delivering your message to the right people and you won’t accomplish your goals.

Not sure where to start? Here’s how to identify your target audience.

Who Has Permissions?


Now that you’re really getting into the nitty gritty of your social accounts, think about who has access. Have there been changes in roles and responsibilities? Did you remember to remove the coordinator who took a new position in the last year? Review your permissions to ensure only the right people have access to your accounts.

On Facebook specifically, review your Page Role settings to make sure the right people have the right permission levels to do their job as effectively and efficiently as possible. You’ll also want to review what third-party apps have access to your channels and what their permissions are. If you aren’t actively using an app, get rid of it.

Brand Uniformity

Remember that master list you created? Pull it back out so you can make sure your brand is represented consistently across all platforms.

Usernames & Handles

The first thing you want to do is make sure your username/handle is consistent across all channels. This also goes for custom URLs - try to use the same identifier in all URLs and see if you are eligible for a verified profile status on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Bios & About Us

Once all your usernames are consistent, you’ll want to do the same for your bio and About pages. Are they accurate and up to date? Do you need to update business hours or add a new location? This is also a good time to spruce up your bio if you’ve been using the same one for awhile.

Profile Photos & Backgrounds

The next step is to review your visual assets. Is it time for an updated profile picture and cover photo? Have you updated your logo, and is it reflected in these images? Perhaps it’s just time for a refreshed look. As you go through your various social media profiles, remember to maintain brand consistency.

Who Is Following Who?

Throughout the past year, you’ve likely made tons of social connections. Spring cleaning calls for reviewing your followers and removing any inactive or spam accounts.

You should also review who you are following as business. Are there any partners you need to add to your list? What about inactive accounts you can unfollow?

Create A New Habit

Accomplishing a social media spring cleaning extravaganza takes time - and it shouldn’t be something you do just once a year. If you repeat these steps at least a few times each year, you will have a more well-rounded and successful social media presence.

Just think of it as routine maintenance!

To summarize, here’s what you need to do:


  • Overall business goals and objectives
  • Active and Inactive social media accounts
  • Social media metrics
  • Your target audience is
  • Account permissions/access
  • Third-party posting platforms/apps
  • Username, custom URL, and verified profile status
  • Brand uniformity


  • Your “About” section or page
  • Your URL and bio
  • Cover images and profile photos
  • Followers/who you’re following
  • Passwords
  • Necessary analytics

Post author
Madison Flashenburg
March 5, 2019
min read
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