
Are These Marketing Problems Stressing You Out?

Successful campaigns, generating traffic, driving conversions, and creating content — there’s a lot for digital marketers to stay on top of. In fact, a study conducted by Workfront found that 25% of industry professionals report experiencing high stress on a daily basis, 66% expect their stress level to rise in the future, and 71% feel generally burnt out. With today being National Stress Awareness Day, it’s time to recognize some of these marketing problems and how to overcome them.

Marketing Strategy (or lack of)

The Stressor: The pressure is on for marketers to hurry up and show results. It’s become common knowledge that digital marketing takes time, but everyone wants to see results...and fast! Without a developed strategy, you won’t be able to account for your accomplishments.

The Solve: Define your needs, goals, and strategy from the start instead of working backward. Marketing results don’t just happen, after all. Creating a marketing strategy ensures you are targeting the right people with the right content. The more time you spend developing an effective strategy, the more opportunities you create.

Low-to-No Budget

The Stressor: Not having a marketing budget, or working with a low budget, makes the job even more stressful. Accomplishing lofty goals with low-to-no budget might seem impossible. Whether you’re a small business owner trying to make things work or a digital marketer without room for experimentation, there are still ways to deal.

The Solve: It’s important to clarify realistic expectations within your budget from the start. It isn’t always easy to create a budget, but going in blind will only lead to bigger issues down the road. Follow your budget, pick the social channel that works best for your brand and stick with it, and create content for less with tools like Canva and leaning into your customers and clients to help provide content.

Too Many Tasks

The Stressor: Whether working in-house, for an agency, or running your own business, it’s likely you’re taking on too many tasks. In-house marketers are often stressed by taking on the role of SEO expert, designer, social media manager, PPC pro, and content marketer. At an agency, employees often find themselves being pulled in many directions to help other departments. As a business owner, balancing a little bit of everything seems to just come with the territory.

The Solve: Hone in on what is truly your area of expertise. Prioritize your main objectives and, if time allows, see how you can assist in other areas. Stay informed on general industry trends, but also your specific niche’s updates, trends, and strategies.

There are many stressors that marketers face, but it’s important to keep them in check — and it shouldn’t take National Stress Awareness Day to remind us of that! If you are facing marketing problems that seem too hard to handle, let our experts take some of that stress away. Just click here to get connected to the KP Kreative team!

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Madison Flashenburg
November 2, 2021
min read
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