
5 Social Media Management Tools to Be Grateful For

Thanksgiving is a time of year that you can use to bring the family together and showcase the ideals of the holiday in the hearts and minds of your consumers. However, planning your marketing posts shouldn't give you as much stress as cooking the turkey. Check out these five social media management tools you can use for your Thanksgiving post creations, posting, and boosting. Take the stress of performing on the day away.


A firm favorite is Canva, of course. They are ahead of the game with pre-populated Thanksgiving templates ready for use, just like that readymade cranberry sauce. Take a look at their pro templates that come with a small subscription fee. You can also schedule your posts directly to a vast array of platforms. When you play around a bit and explore all the fancy features, your posts become far more interesting with video and gif options right there at your fingertips!

Adobe Suite

For those who don't mind a little more complexity, Adobe suite is a viable option. It is for designers who want more design elements and who have the time to work through the puzzles and layers to create masterpieces. This program comes at a steeper price but has a ton of useful tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and XD. If you are not a super designer brain, maybe stick to the more straightforward plug-and-play Canva. However, it may come in handy when you need to add a pic of your Aunty Carol into the invitations.


Later is the new kid on the block and it is pretty easy to navigate, even for the most junior social managers. If you love stories, but find them a pain to post regularly, Later is for you. They can be planned in advance, so you can go about your day and enjoy your cooking while you leave your phone in your pocket. Later is very Insta biased, so if your brand is playing heavily in this space, then give it a try.


Hootsuite is an oldie but goodie social tool that has spread its wings to include additional features in scheduling and analytics. So if you broke up with them a few years back, have a relook to see if you can rekindle the friendship. They are one of the few platforms to allow you to schedule your tweets to roll out over the week preceding Thanksgiving easily with a well-planned calendar.


Hubspot is the grown-up that does not always have to spoil the fun for the adult brand in the room. Managing most of your platforms in one place, Hubspot links your company CRM tools into one place. While the consolidation and reporting tools are basic, that is sometimes all you need.

The idea is to find the tools that will work for you without the baggage and time-draining effort you would rather spend with your friends and family, enjoying a well-deserved Thanksgiving celebration.

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Jaye Chestnut
November 16, 2021
min read
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