
Revisiting Your SEO Strategy for the New Year

Trends change every year, but after 2020, we’re certainly betting on a new world, big changes, and loads of accelerated trends. As your marketing strategy adjusts and adapts to these trends, your SEO strategy should do the same.

Why? Because if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the world can change in a matter of months. That includes what people search for online! Here are some SEO strategies and trends for 2021 you can use to assure that your customers can find you online:

1. Focus on Quality and Quantity SEO Efforts

The higher quality of content, the higher your link will rank in Search results, and the more visitors you’ll score. And remember, don’t think you can get away with writing short articles and pumping them full of keywords! Plan to provide valuable/informational content, and you will get it right.

2. Consider Search Intent

There are two options when you’re considering website traffic; do you want thousands of visitors? Or do you want less traffic, with more “qualified leads”? In this regard, less traffic might offer you more in terms of quality. If you focus your SEO efforts with Search-intent in mind, you’ll find yourself with website visitors who are more likely to convert into customers.

3. Don’t Overlook Local SEO

With constant algorithm updates from Google, you can really tap into local optimization to get more folks to notice you – especially in your local community!

Remember, SEO is the new newspaper. If people search for something and they find interesting headlines from your website, you’re golden! Keep your SEO updated and fresh and you’ll not only have more traffic to your website, but the quality of the visits will increase, too.

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Kimberly Portuondo
January 26, 2021
min read
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