
The Pros & Cons of Using Pop-Ups on Your Website

A website pop-up is a pop-up window (typically used for advertising)that contains an offer for some service or product and that appears on the screen of the website you are visiting. It usually follows you as you scroll if you do not close it or click it to take advantage of the offer. While pop-ups can dramatically increase conversion rates, most users find them to be annoying. However, when done professionally, they can be very effective. So the question about pop-ups is are they worth it?

Here are few Pros & Cons of Using Pop-Ups on Your Website:


Visibility:It’s attention grabbing. No matter what the user is doing on your site, the will notice your pop-up.

Increased conversions: Studies have shown that the top 10% of pop-ups averaged a 9.28% conversion rate and the average conversion rate for all pop-ups was 3.09%. Pop-ups are more effective at generating clicks and subscribers than typical banner ads. Pop-ups are a great way to get more opt-ins, increase followers or market a service or product. According to the above study mentioned

Instant feedback from customers: Pop-ups are a great way to test whether or not an offer is effective since users are forced to either close it or take advantage of the offer.


User experience: If not executed correctly, pop-ups can cause people to leave your website. Pop-ups are sometimes so large that they take up the entire screen. Plus, sometimes the close button is purposefully hidden so they cannot continue to view whatever it was they were viewing before being interrupted by your pop-up.

Spam:Sometimes a pop-up shows on the screen for someone who has already clicked on it previously. Or you have multiple pop-ups set up throughout your website and the user will feel as if they are being spammed and never return to your site.

Pop-up Blockers: Some tech-savvy consumers detest pop-ups so much that they use browsers that block the pop-ups from ever displaying. If they don't see your pop-up, it serves no purpose.

Pop-ups are everywhere these days. In recent years pop-up forms have emerged as a favorite marketing tactic for driving blog subscriptions, promoting content and growing email lists. Yes, pop-ups are mostly spam when you open window with unnecessary information but not all pop-ups are bad. Pop-ups can be used for good, and they can be a healthy part of a marketing strategy. Pop-ups should be used in a way to increase value in people's life not to annoy them.

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
January 8, 2019
min read
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