
Podcast Marketing 101

When it comes to growing your marketing reach, there are few things as effective as podcast marketing. One-fifth of Americans listen to podcasts every month, and not leveraging this channel could mean you’re missing out on a massive opportunity. Here’s how you can up your podcast marketing game this Fall:

Make Your Podcast Personal

There’s a reason why people prefer sharing important information via a phone call rather than a text message. That’s because listening to someone’s voice is a personal and human way to connect. With effective podcast marketing, you can inspire confidence and trust in your audience, simply by letting them hear your voice.

Keep It Short

While you might be able to share way more by speaking than writing, you don’t want to overwhelm your listeners with useless information. Keep your podcasts short, to the point, and engaging from start to finish.

Plan Your Podcast

Proper planning means that you won’t lose your train of thought, ramble, or forget the important details of your podcast. You’re telling a story – whether it’s about your brand, products, or upcoming events – which means it needs a clear beginning, middle, and end. Invest in a marketing calendar where you plan out your month’s podcast marketing strategies, ideas, and goals.

Open A Conversation

While a podcast seems more like a monologue than a conversation, you can still make your audience feel connected and involved. One great way to do this is to invite guest speakers, have a discussion board on your social media channels, open a live forum, or ask your audience to share their thoughts and opinions in the comments section.

Remember That Consistency Is Key

Podcasting is an integral part of millions of Americans’ daily lives. They listen while they drive, commute, or work, which means that consistent podcast marketing could introduce you to a loyal and engaged audience.

What would your first podcast be about if you were to start one? Let us know in the comments below!

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Kimberly Portuondo
September 22, 2020
min read
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