
Celebrate Mother's Day with Your Marketing

Mother’s Day is just days away and if you haven’t included it in your marketing strategy, there’s still time! Even for businesses not involved in e-commerce, Mother’s Day is a widely celebrated holiday that should be a part of your marketing plan. It’s the perfect holiday to reach the hearts and minds of potential consumers in a world taking an increasingly personalized approach to advertising. Here are our tips to help you get started.

Mother’s Day Marketing Should Be Personal

Storytelling and content marketing is a great way to communicate your message to your audience. In general, people are more likely to remember a fact when it is shared in the context of a story. Mother’s Day is the perfect time to share a heartwarming story with a meaningful message, get people to know the moms who work at your company, or encourage users to share stories of their own!

Make a Mother’s Day Contest

Contests are a great way to get users to engage with your brand. After all, who doesn’t like winning free stuff?! If your company has something to give away, now is a great time to kick off a Mother’s Day contest. These giveaways don’t have to be super high-value items or services, but should be reflective of what your company has to offer. Get people to share their favorite memories of their mom, the best part about being a mom, or the best Mother’s Day gift they ever received — get as creative as you can!

Remember to take your campaign online and include a custom hashtag to spread awareness and encourage participation.

Still not sure what to do when it comes to holiday marketing? Be sure to check out our guides and ebooks to get started or feel free to reach out to one of our experts. Just click here to connect with us!

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Madison Flashenburg
May 4, 2021
min read
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