
Marketing to Travelers

The travel industry has taken a hit amidst the coronavirus pandemic, but it doesn’t mean that people are uninterested in travel. As the world begins to open back up, it will be important to tailor your marketing content to travelers. Here are our tips to market to travelers after COVID-19

Personalize Your Marketing

Travelers are more likely to be open to new experiences. Just like with any target audience, it’s important to create messages that are tailored to travelers.

Consider Virtual Reality Marketing

If your products/services are suited to virtual reality now would be a great time to highlight that. This would allow people to virtually escape their worries in the wake of COVID-19.

Take Advantage of Voice Search

Voice search is another technology that advertisers use to great effect, capitalizing on the success of Google and Amazon smart home platforms and mobile applications. An increasing number of consumers use these apps to book hotels, flights, and transportation using online travel agencies.

Partner with Influencers

Trust is going to be a major component when it comes to reaching travelers. Influencer marketing is a great way to show someone using your products/services. This makes it more tangible for your target audience and also shows that the influencer trusts your business.

To effectively market to travelers, brands should focus on technology, trust, and safety. These three elements will allow you to connect with travelers and enhance their experience with your products/services.

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Kimberly Portuondo
July 28, 2020
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