
Marketing to Sports Fans

Football season is about to start which means sports fans will be very excited. Do you want to stay relevant with fans? Content marketing is a great way to keep up with the seemingly insatiable appetite of sports fans. Here’s our advise for marketing to sports fans.

Do sports fans fit into your target audience?

The best way to engage with sports fans is to get to know them. Are sports fans a part of your target audience? Just because it’s football season doesn’t mean you need to target sports fans. Do your products/services align with sports fans? Create a strategy to define your audience, determine your voice, and set your KPIs to ensure that you are on the right track to succeed with content marketing initiatives.

Give your fans a voice

Fans have invested more in their teams and players than we could ever put into words, so be sure to recognize their team loyalty and make it clear that you're concerned about this. Start conversations through surveys or post questions on social media. This can be an excellent way to gain direct insight into what fans are looking for. Pay attention to their thoughts, trending sports topics, questions, and reactions across social media platforms. This will help boost engagement with sports fans and give you a good sense of what content will best resonate with your sports fans. Another great way to give your fans a voice is by inviting them to tell stories about their great experiences and memories like the first game they attended as a kid.

Provide your sports fans with team access if you can

Providing fans with access to the players, paraphernalia, and/or auditoriums they admire and idolize is an extremely effective way to increase engagement. Videos featuring player stories or interviews with players will drive social views and comments. Creating contests with sports paraphernalia or ticket giveaways is another great way to boost engagement with your sports fans.

Create great content

Last but not least, create incredible content. You know that you have to stand out from the pack in sports marketing. The good news is that you'll be rewarded for being bold and publishing great content! How do you engage with sports fans? Let us know in the comments.

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Kimberly Portuondo
August 27, 2019
min read
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