
Are You Using Long Tail Keywords for SEO?

If you’ve read articles about keyword research for search engine optimization (SEO), you’ve probably run across the phrase “long-tail keywords.” Let’s take a look at what long-tail keywords are and how you can use them to your advantage.

Main Types of Keywords

There are three main types of keywords: short-tail (head terms), mid-tail (chunky middle), and long-tail. Short-tail keywords are sweeping terms that cover a broad topic. They generally have higher search volumes but don’t always provide users with the information they want. Medium-tail keywords are more specific and have a moderate search volume. Long-tail keywords have the lowest search volumes but are very specific and more likely to meet the search intent of the user.

Contrary to what you might think, long, mid, and short-tail keywords are not identified by length, though their length does correspond with their name. Their names come from their position on the Search Demand Curve.

As you can see in this graphic, Fat Head (your short-tail or head terms) consists of a small number of very popular searches. Chunky Middle keywords have relatively high search volumes and monthly queries. Long-tail keywords number in the millions to billions with lower search volumes.

Examples of Keywords on the Search Demand Curve

The Fat Head

Short-tail keywords:

“Chiropractor” with a search volume of 1,000,000

“Sciatica” with a search volume of 550,000

“Chiropractic” with a search volume of 1,000,000

The Chunky Middle

Slightly more specific keywords:

“Back pain relief” with a search volume of 40,500

“Sciatica relief” with a search volume of 18,100

Long Tail

Very specific variations of short-tail keywords:

“Is chiropractic safe for sciatica?” with a search volume of 30

“Will a chiropractor help with lower back pain?” with a search volume of 210

Why Target Long Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are great to use in your web content primarily because they signal user intent. They are very specific and address particular search queries. There are many to choose from, and long-tail keywords have less competition than their short-tail counterparts. The specificity of long-tail keywords also makes them easier to use naturally within your content.

How to Find Long-Tail Keywords

There are several ways to identify long-tail keywords for your website.

  1. Start entering your short-tail keyword into the Google search box and take note of the variations that Google suggests. If Google suggests a keyword, it means that people are searching for it.
  2. Below the first page of organic search results, you’ll see several related searches. They may be relevant for your use.
  3. Use Google Trends to see what people are searching for.
  4. Research your competitors to see what long-tail keywords they are using and ranking for.
  5. Use Google Keyword Planner to search for keywords related to your business.

Page One Digital (formerly KP Kreative) Offers Expert Long-Tail Keyword and SEO Assistance

When you need expert SEO services, including identifying and targeting long-tail keywords, contact Page One Digital (formerly KP Kreative). Our knowledgeable, experienced team will help you identify and utilize the best keywords and SEO practices for your business success!

Post author
Dorothy Distefano
May 2, 2023
min read
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