
Keep Up with Content Marketing

As coronavirus cases continue to increase, you may be scrambling to navigate the pandemic -- both personally and professionally. Everything from concerts to conferences are being canceled and even going to the grocery store has become a huge ordeal. When it comes to your business, it’s time to switch gears and think of alternative outlets to keep moving forward. One way to do that is to keep up with your content marketing.

Content Marketing

You may not be making it to your next meeting, let alone your next conference so it’s important to redistribute those efforts into something effective, like content marketing. Content marketing is more than editorials and blog posts. As millions of people are spending more time indoors, the use of social media has increased; Instagram saw a 22% increase in usage in the last month. Content marketing helps you stay engaged with your customers in a natural way and can be implemented through a number of digital marketing strategies including emails, social media, and SEO.

Despite so many changes and limitations on physical interactions with other marketers and customers, social media provides us with so many tools to provide interactive content to maintain business values and missions without risking travel.

Content Marketing 101

Maybe it’s been some time since you’ve focused on content marketing and you could use a refresher. Content marketing is a form of digital marketing used by brands to develop an open and on-going relationship with customers through non-promotional content that provides value and builds trust. Content marketing started primarily in the form of blogs and editorials, but now relies on a number of digital marketing tactics such as social media, SEO, email, and paid distribution to reach a target audience.

Wait -- paid distribution? Well, unlike advertising, content marketing is not openly promotional. The focus is to allow brands to provide important information and almost act as storytellers. Your prospective and current customers look for content that educates and informs while also being entertaining. Content marketing tactics help you accomplish these goals and promote an organic relationship between brand and consumer.

Why Content Marketing is Important

Despite our current inability to interact closely with customers, we can still effectively remain in touch and increase pipeline generation. Engaging and communicating with your audience is easier than ever with social media and instant interaction is possible with tools like Facebook and Instagram Live, so pipeline generation can continue. As long as you have the proper content marketing strategies in place, your engagement can continue no matter the situation.

As times continue to be challenging and social media usage grows, communicating your brand identity and values remains just as -- if not more -- important than ever. COVID-19 provides a new challenge for marketing that exposes the importance of having knowledge and experience with different types of strategies outside of traditional outlets. Online platforms are crucial and are key to ensuring your customers know your brand is available.

No matter how you choose to approach this situation, know that the KP Kreative team is here to provide support...from a distance of course! Just click here to connect with one of our content marketing experts

Post author
Madison Flashenburg
March 31, 2020
min read

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