
How to Prep for Fall Marketing Season

Your small business marketing strategy should change with the seasons if you want to continue targeting the right people at the right time. Along with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and beautiful colors, Fall brings countless marketing opportunities for businesses. Here’s how you can use Fall to your advantage when it comes to small business marketing!

Bring in The New Season in Style

Regardless of whether you have an online or physical store, make it as festive as can be. Add Fall-inspired web banners or social media content to your platforms, or serve hot cocoa or apple cider at the door, and you can make your clients feel excited about what the new season may bring.

Say Goodbye to Summer with Special Offers

If you still have last season’s stock cluttering up your store, then this is the perfect time to offer incredible discounts and clearance sales. If you offer services instead of products, then you can offer a Summer Discount or special offers to your audience.

Have Fun Fall Contests

What’s your customers’ favorite fall event? Who has the best spiced pumpkin latte recipe? Whose Halloween decorations can scare off the neighborhood kids the fastest? Creating fun and exciting competitions, raffles, or challenges is a great way to involve your community, create awareness about your brand, and improve your small business marketing skills.

Be an Integral Part of Your Community

One of the advantages of small business marketing is the fact that you can truly connect with each and every customer. Make a point of showing up to your local festivals, markets, or gatherings to share your brand with your community. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to gain publicity, build your network of clients, and have fun as a dedicated team.

How are you planning on building your small business marketing skills this Fall? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts, ideas, or even your favorite hot apple cider recipes.

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Kimberly Portuondo
September 29, 2020
min read
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