
How to Convert Tourists This Summer

It’s a funny time of year, summer. Families exit hibernation, throw on their swimsuits and flock to their favorite holiday destinations in the masses. The good news is that thousands of travelers are headed to your area this summer – and they’ll be searching for plenty of what you have to offer. So if you want to start marketing to travelers this summer, here’s what you need to know.

1. Push Limited-Time Offers:

Make it clear to travelers that they will ONLY be able to access this offer during the summer period – and they have to be in the country to qualify. Make your marketing campaign for tourists irresistible, and make it clear that they won’t be eligible once back in their home country.

2. Be Relevant:

Are your travelers coming from overseas? Have they escaped a cold winter to enjoy the warmth of the summer sun? Consider this in your marketing strategy and push the topic of summer. Remember that travelers are looking for different experiences with your business than locals are, so take this into account when planning your messaging.

3. Be Genuinely Helpful:

Every tourist has one thing on their mind: How to save money. If you can provide a product or service that they’ll need on their summer holiday – at a drastically reduced price – then push this in your summer marketing campaign for tourists.

Do you have any more ideas for marketing to travelers this summer? Let us know in the comments box below, and give us a shout for more tips and insights!

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Kimberly Portuondo
July 12, 2022
min read
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