
How Does Squarespace Perform for SEO?

The other day I met with a friend-of-a-friend who also happens to be a website designer/developer. Excited to make another friend in the field, we quickly got to talking about various platforms and tools we use. When he asked what platform we use at KP Kreative, I excitedly started to share all we are able to accomplish through Squarespace. And then, I kid you not, he scoffed out, “...but Squarespace sucks for SEO”. A bit more back and forth and I knew I had to do some digging for myself. Our websites all perform well for SEO, but is there something that we’re missing?

After a bit of digging, it seems that there are others who feel the same. Well, where is this myth coming from? If you are familiar with how SEO works, you know that it doesn’t just happen overnight. SEO takes time and you need to know the right steps to take in order to see results (sidebar: if SEO is totally foreign to you, start here). Putting in the time and effort to understand and execute SEO or working with an SEO team will certainly improve your odds, but the ultimate deciding factor in where you show up in search engine results is, you guessed it, Google (or Bing...if you use it)!

Squarespace offers simple SEO features or you can go more in-depth within the platform. SEO can be confusing, but Squarespace makes it easy for you to accomplish the basics like adding a Search Engine description, page title , and making sure your site is loading fast enough for users. As more and more people lean toward mobile browsing, search engines are prioritizing sites that perform well on mobile. Keep in mind that Squarespace’s templates are all designed with mobile users in mind and are formatted to display beautifully on any size screen. With the help of the SEO features available on Squarespace users will be able to access your website from any page, plus, you’ll be seen by even more potential clients.

Squarespace truly does make it easy for you to do well in terms of SEO. The hard part is whether or not you are doing everything you can to be indexed by search engines. SEO isn’t a one and done task for you to check off your list. It is a series of steps, sometimes trial and error, and creating useful content regularly. If you are a local restaurant, try featuring your favorite recipes or introducing your team. As a local boutique, you could blog about the latest fashion trends or how to build your wardrobe basics. As a digital media team, you’ll find our blog is full of marketing tips and tricks, social media advice, and blogging essentials. If Google finds your content to be relevant to searchers, your ranking will improve.

At the end of the day, our client testimonials will prove that you can find SEO success with Squarespace. To learn more about how we can help grow your business, click here to get started!

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Madison Flashenburg
July 23, 2019
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