
3 Tips to Help Your Holiday Marketing Plans

For most businesses, the holiday period is the busiest time of the year. Your customers have worked hard to be able to afford the wonderful products and services you offer. So, beyond refreshing your landing page and boosting brand awareness, you need to plan properly for the influx of sales around the corner. Here are 3 of the best holiday marketing tips to boost sales.

1. Start Creating Your Holiday Marketing Plan Early.

If there’s one thing that’s true about holiday marketing, it pays to be prepared. You have to keep in mind that your competitors are also looking to capitalize on this rest period, so coming up with a marketing strategy that sets you aside from them will help you stand out. If you start your holiday marketing plans in September, you can roll out your campaign before anyone else and get a leg up on the competition.

2. Prepare to Retarget Customers.

Keeping your already-loyal customers is more effective at driving sales than trying to appeal to new ones. There’s a pool of potential customers [please link to 8/31/22 article on retargeting] who already know who you are but haven’t purchased anything yet. As always, the holidays will be here sooner than we expect. So, when people are looking to spend their savings this festive season, they would rather purchase from someone they already know they can trust.

3. The Power of Video Marketing.

If your holiday marketing plans don’t include a video campaign, then make sure to get video into the mix. In the modern world, reading has been replaced by marketing moving pictures. Far more potential customers will engage in your campaign if they can click play and be presented with information through videos and voice overs. The more entertaining you can make your marketing videos, the higher your shot of converting those clicks into customers.

How do you plan on improving your holiday marketing campaigns this season? Share your ideas with the community in the comment box below, and reach out to KP Kreative when you’re ready to gift your business with a strategy that comes with a foolproof bow wrapped around it.

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Kimberly Portuondo
September 13, 2022
min read
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