
Find Freedom with Social Media Marketing Tools

The 4th of July may have come and gone, but we’re still thinking about freedom — and we mean from your marketing troubles! Successful digital marketing efforts take a lot of time, energy, and planning. So why not make things easier on yourself and your team? Here are just a few of our favorite marketing tools.


Canva provides layouts, fonts, and stock photos at low to no cost. This drag-and-drop design platform allows you to create custom graphics with ease. Canva offers a simple, aesthetically pleasing way to design your own logos, images, graphics, or presentation whatever your team’s needs may be.

Visuals are necessary to keep your audience engaged, and Canva helps without the need for graphic design experience.


Hootsuite is a powerful, popular social media scheduling tool. It stores your content in a cloud that team members can access at any time for your social media posting needs. It also allows multiple posts to be scheduled at once for multiple platforms.

Hootsuite is easy to use and it can calculate ROI, conversions, and public conversations about your brand or a particular subject matter.

Maintaining a social media presence can take a lot of time, so finding tools that improve your efficiency is key.


MailChimp is an email marketing tool designed to automate and orchestrate campaigns. You can use their templates or create your own. MailChimp is a great option for engaging with your audience and can be used for social advertising, too! No matter how large or small your business is, email marketing should be a part of your overall strategy and MailChimp makes it that much easier.

Digital marketing tools ensure your time (and money) are invested wisely. Let us know your favorites in the comments! Still not sure where to start when it comes to social media marketing? Click here to contact us and connect with one of our experts!

Post author
Madison Flashenburg
July 6, 2021
min read
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