
Creating Marketing Easter Eggs

Spring is generally seen as a time for a fresh start, so when it comes to marketing, companies should use this season as a time to focus on new ideas and strategies. Every marketing strategy needs a spruce up every so often. One of the first things that comes to mind in the spring is Easter.

In the digital world, an Easter egg is an unexpected or undocumented feature put into place as a joke or as a bonus for your loyal viewers. Spring is a great time to experiment with Easter Eggs as a new way to connect with your following. Here are a few ideas for you to consider:

Email Campaigns

Send your email subscribers on an Easter egg hunt. This is a fun way to engage with your most loyal followers. You can give them some hints about where to look for the Easter eggs and the first customer to find them all can get a discount on one of your products or services.

Special Offers

If you want to apply your Easter egg hunt to a wider audience you can set it up as a special offer. Think of scenarios in which your customers will find themselves during the Easter holiday: cooking family dinners, visiting relatives and friends, catching up on unfinished projects, spending some time in the gym, or just hanging out on the couch. Then think about how you can work special offers into these moments that can be uncovered during a digital Easter Egg hunt.

Plan Ahead

A strategy like this will take some time to plan in advance. The more time you take, the more clever you can be with your Easter eggs. You can even set up steps along the way for your followers to promote your campaign so that it reaches even more people. If you are interested in planning an Easter Egg campaign, I would recommend starting to do so at least 4 months in advance so you have time to really work through all of the steps you would need to take in order to launch a campaign that will stand out.

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Kimberly Portuondo
April 7, 2020
min read
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