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How to Get Your Website Ready for Google’s Core Web Vitals

In our last blog – which you can read here – we gave an introduction to Google’s Core Web Vitals and how their new algorithm affects online businesses. We spoke about the metrics used to evaluate a page’s ability to deliver positive user experiences and the importance of testing your website to see if it complies with Google’s new Core Web Vitals.

Now, it’s time to talk about how to prepare for the Google Core Web Vitals update. It all boils down to getting your site to rank higher in Search results, which is the only way to be visible to customers and maximize your profitability.

When it comes to getting your website ready, you need to prepare in line with the metrics we spoke about in our previous blog. The first step is to determine where your website stands right now, which you can find out in your Core Web Vitals report (within Google Search Console). You’ll gain an instant overview of your URL’s performance and whether Google sees it as poor, in need of work, or good. From there, you can start improving your SEO through:

A Web Hosting Upgrade.

Consider investing in a faster service to strengthen all metrics, speed up JavaScript execution, and eliminate delays in user interaction.

Image Optimization.

Focus on eye-catching visuals, especially your site’s Hero Image which – when optimized – will show up in the LCP threshold if compressed and converted to a competent format.

Mobile Responsiveness.

Google places a strong emphasis on mobile-friendliness with regards to UX design, with preference for websites that are easy to access and use.

Quality Content.

Content relevance will always outshine page experience – and Google constantly reminds us of this. High-quality content always adds value for visitors and will strengthen your compliance with Google’s new Core Web Vitals.

We hope this helps. If you are still unsure about these Core Web Vitals and need support, contact KP Kreative for assistance. And remember – you’re not alone. Every website in the world is going through the same uncertainty as you.

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Kimberly Portuondo
August 20, 2019
min read
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