
Add Variety to your Content Marketing Strategy

If you’ve been learning the basics of SEO, you know how important content marketing is. And content marketing is just blogging, right? Wrong! Blogs are certainly effective, but there are different types of content marketing and it’s important to diversify your content marketing strategy. Here are a few suggestions to get creative with your content marketing and move beyond the blog.


If blogs are your comfort zone, infographics are a great place to dip your toe in the water when moving beyond the blog. Infographics are a lot like blogs, but they are — when done well — really pretty to look at.

Consumers tend to like infographics because they present a lot of useful information in a way that is consumable and easy to understand. And when a potential customer is clear on what your product is and what it does, they are more likely to purchase it.

Infographics are also great for generating engagement. They add another aspect to a long-form blog post while strengthening it. And with a little creativity, a good graphic designer, or a Canva account, they are easy to make and distribute.


Videos are an extremely effective type of content, if not the most important type of content to use in 2021. People are watching videos now more than ever, so it’s important for businesses to learn how to incorporate videos into their content marketing strategies.

Video marketing has grown in popularity over the last decade, but the pandemic has only increased the number of online videos people watch.

Videos can captivate, entertain, and inform potential clients and customers and there is really no limit to what they can provide. Whether it’s a how-to video, commercial, web series, or anything in between, videos are a valuable tool to implement during any point of your customer’s journey with your brand.

Case Studies

Case studies are an exciting way to share your success stories with potential, new, and existing customers. Everybody loves a good transformation, and what better way to take advantage of that than to take users on a journey with you? Case studies are inspirational and give your customers something to strive toward while also showcasing the achievements of your brand.

Case studies are often like customer testimonials, but the main point is that they are about the customer, not about you and your brand. While it’s your service/product that made things possible, it should be about the awesome milestone your customer achieved.

The audience will be captivated by your customer’s story and that success will be associated with your brand, making them want to be your next case study.

Blog posts are the bread and butter of most content marketing plans, but they don’t have to be the only ingredient. Using different types of creative content marketing can help your business and audience grow.

To learn more about implementing a stellar content marketing strategy, click here to connect with one of our experts.

Post author
Madison Flashenburg
April 6, 2021
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