
6 Back-to-School Marketing Strategies

According to, the 2020 average back-to-school spend per family amounted to approximately USD $800 – and it’s not getting any lower! Of course, 2020 back-to-school spending was less about paperback, and more geared toward at-home learning. This bumped up the expenditure needed for laptops, headphones, and the like.

If you want to cash-in on this year’s shopping, here are six back-to-school marketing tips:

1. Create a SALE!

Yes. Parents are basically handing out their salaries and wondering if the puppy wasn’t after all enough. All jokes aside, parents are spending a ton already, so it could only benefit you if you have the best back-to-school bargains on the block.

2. Post on Social Media

Get those offers out into the parent realm so they can share with all their fellow mommy or daddy clubs! Make sure your paid social marketing is up-to-scratch and that you have striking ads to match.

3. Email It

Email marketing threads are super effective – especially if you have a content plan set-up to market exclusive deals well before the buying season starts. Busy parents don’t want to look for deals; they want an easy way to just get in and get out.

4. Make Your Content Mobile-Friendly

When dad sits on his throne, or mom waits at the doctor’s office, chances are they’re scrolling. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly and ready to scroll through. Parents are likely going to save your link for later!

5. Stay in Touch with the Season

Hoodies, beanies, and backpacks…oh my! If you’re selling things that are not only for back-to-school, but also convenient for fall and winter, then you’re going to be a hot option for parents. They don’t want to shop-hop, so make life easy for them!

6. Utilize Referral (Influencer) Marketing

Influencer marketing is an awesome way to promote products. If the Insta-savvy mom next door recommends it, then it will probably make its way to all the other moms. After all, 68% of customers will buy something if others recommend it!

Get your back-to-school marketing strategies ready, because ‘tis the season!

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
August 24, 2021
min read
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