
4 Tips to Write Powerful Email Subjects

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There's plenty of schools of thought across on best practices for email marketing, but I wanted to highlight 4 key tips to help you write a subject lines that will draw in your readers.

1. Keep It Short

Your recipients have a short attention span and a lack of time, so when deciding between a personal email, a new recipe, and your company's promotional email, what do you think the receiver will click on?

Keep your subject line short and to-the-point so your reader will know what the email will be about.

2. Include Personalization

The most significant thing to keep in mind when you're drafting an email subject line is who your readers are and what action you want them to take. Including personalized subject lines helps to make your email feel more personal, and makes your readers more likely to take the action you want them to.

3. Test Keywords and Phrases

Don't be afraid to test certain words and phrases to see how your audience responds. Tools such as Mail Chimp's Subject Line Research will help you create the perfect subject line.

If you're comfortable with the thought of trying something new, give A/B testing a shot. A/B testing enables you to compare and test the performance of different subject lines, to figure out what is the most effective.

4. Offer Value

Your emails themselves should be offering something valuable to your readers. So your subject line should focus on making that clear. Let your readers know that by opening your email, there's something important waiting for them inside. Your subject line is the teaser.

Don't guarantee something that is not included in the email. Deceiving your audience will cause people to unsubscribe from your list.

Try out these 4 tips and measure what's effective and what's not, so you can be on your way to engaging subscribers with genius subject lines

Post author
Kimberly Portuondo
October 23, 2018
min read

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