Facebook recently announced some major changes to their news feed. These changes are based around prioritizing "meaningful person-to-person interactions among friends and family over posts from Facebook Pages." So what this means for you as a consumer is that you will be seeing more of the types of posts that you engage with (comment, like, share) on Facebook. What this means for you as a business is that you need to change your Facebook strategy. Here are a couple of tips we have for you so far:
1. Focus on Engagement
We have already been steering our clients and our content in this direction as this is the best way to connect with your target audience to being with. But, you're probably wondering what is engaging content? It differs based on your audience, HOWEVER, Facebook loves Live video so that would be a great place to focus your efforts. (stay tuned for some helpful content on live video coming your way soon)
2. Get Your Fans, Followers, and Staff to Share Your Content
Facebook will be favoring posts that spark engagement and meaningful interactions. Encourage your follower, especially your staff, to share the content being posted to your Facebook page. This will trigger the content as "engaging" to Facebook and give you a chance to get it in front of more people.
3. Find & Join Relevant Facebook Groups
With this shift to their newsfeed, Facebook groups will become your wheelhouse. This is where you can reach users looking for exactly the type of content that you are posting for your audience. So either find a group or form a group and start posting quality content in there!
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