
Have the Leaves Changed for Your Marketing Yet?

Each season offers distinctive holidays, events, and activities, which means different behavior and preferences for your customers. Marketers need to pay close attention to this behavior in order to realize what strategies to focus on for which season. Here are some of our tips to help you change your marketing strategy along with the seasons.

Reward Your Loyal Customers

Sending gifts or rewards to your loyal customers is one way of connecting across seasons. During the holidays, send them a discount code on your products. During the summer, throw them a customer appreciation party and tell them to invite their friends.

Turn to Social Media

Social media is the easiest platform to turn to for seasonal content creation. Change your profile and cover photos with the changing seasons. Use content that depicts the current season. If it is cold, do not use photos of people sunbathing at the beach!

Prepare don't Procrastinate

You should be creating a strategy well in advance. This gives you time to perfect your approach so that when the season comes you can hit the ground running.

Monitor your Inventory

Inventory is extremely important based on the season. Depending on what you sell, there will be a busy season for you. Ensure you have enough inventory to account for these sales well in advance.

Those are just a few of our tips to help you keep your marketing strategy on point with the seasons. What have you implemented that you’ve found helpful? Let us know in the comments.

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Kimberly Portuondo
October 22, 2019
min read
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